Welcome to My Site!

Posted on August 25, 2021 by Lindsay Tubbs

“In God we trust. All others must bring data.” – W. Edwards Deming

Welcome to my blogfolio! I’m Lindsay, and I aspire to make a positive difference in the world through the utilization of data.

W. Edwards Deming remarks that data is key to earning trust or faith. To deem something trustworthy, people need evidence, which often comes in the form of data. Trust begets power, which is necessary to make any sort of change. I recognize the enormous power of data and am excited by opportunities to harness this power to make positive changes.

My path to data analytics has been unconventional and rewarding. I graduated in 2018 with a bachelors in Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and was working as an IT recruiter when the pandemic began. I often recruited for data analysts and data scientists and continuously thought, “I would love to do that work – I could do that!” I have always been drawn to math and the sciences, and with so much time on my hands I dedicated my evenings and weekends to learning the data analysis trifecta: Python, Excel, and SQL. I jumped headfirst down the rabbit hole, and it was the best decision I have ever made!

Through data analysis, I can make a positive impact, explore my passions, and cultivate a fulfilling and meaningful career. I am currently pursuing this goal fulltime and am open to new opportunities. If you are interested in collaborating, please drop a note in the contact form on the homepage.

This website is my platform to showcase my work as well as share my musings. I will be publishing blog posts weekly, so follow along! Next post: Data Analysis Mistakes I Have Made and the Lessons I Learned.